The project plans the realization of Program for accelerated development of innovation entrepreneurship in knowledge-based industries for students and recent graduates. The program provides conditions for high success rate of starting business. The project will take place in the Southwest region in Bulgaria and targets young people up to 29 years old - students or recent graduates within the last 6 months. Those who are willing to participate in the acceleration program will pass a preliminary test to identify 50 of them. They will go through first phase of motivational training in 5 groups of 10 people and will then proceed with individual consulting and mentorship to start their own business. The program is a combination of meetings, workshops, short entrepreneurship courses, interactive business games, mentorship, consultations and support for initial financing. The duration is 12 months. The project includes 3 main activities: 1.Organization of 5 motivational and information meetings, specialized forum and demo- workshop to promote and disseminate the developed model and the best practices for accelerated development of innovation entrepreneurship in the context of the program scheme of OP HRD among student organizations and HEIs in the SW region. We also aim to attract the potential candidates. Period: months 1-4. 2.Training Program for preselected and tested candidate entrepreneurs in 3 parts: 1) Test and analysis of the candidates; 2) Creativity and innovation entrepreneurship – 20 acad. hrs in total; 3) Standardized courses Management of starting business – 30 acad. hrs training in total, 6 hrs for a business game and 2 hrs preparation of individual plans. Period: months 2-7. 3.Program for consulting and mentorship based on the individual plans of the entrepreneurs/candidates to start their own business. It includes 40 hrs for direct individual support to turn ideas into business concepts with high commercialization readiness level. Period: months 5-12.
Status | Terminated (termination date) |
Start date | 01 Sep, 2018 |
End date | 01 Sep, 2019 |
Contract date | 22 Jun, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 115,615.50 |
Grant | 115,615.50 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |