Support for advanced entrepreneurs

This project proposal will meet the needs of preparing a larger number of prospective entrepreneurs to start their own business and thus to ensure creating sustainable jobs through self-employment. The overall objective of the project is to prepare unemployed and inactive persons who wish to start their own business. The main objective will be achieved through the following specific objectives: - to raise awareness and motivation of the target groups for inclusion in the envisaged project activities by organizing information and motivation campaigns; - to increase the knowledge and competence of persons involved to start their own business through their participation in specialized training; - to provide access to expert advice in the form of individual and group consultations of specialists in different fields of business start-ups, including by providing information on sources of funding and mentoring for business development. - to improve quality of life and income from labor representatives from the target group who start their own business; - to reveal more sustainable and quality jobs through self-employment and development of real business into new market niches. Selected target groups include 400 persons - inactive up to 29 years outside training or education - 25% - 100 people, unemployed up to 29 years, with higher or secondary education - 35% - 140 people, unemployed for more than 29 years - 40% - 160 people. The main project activities are linked to motivate and inform the representatives of the target groups for inclusion in the project, specialized training for entrepreneurship, as well as individual and group counseling for starting a business. As a result, we expect the project to train 400 representatives of the target groups and at least 25% of them to register companies and start their own business within 1 month after project completion.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 02 May, 2018
End date 02 Jan, 2020
Contract date 26 Apr, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 257,485.14
Grant 257,485.14
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%


South-West (BG41)