"Promoting entrepreneurship initiative"

Center for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development - Bulgaria through its project "Promoting entrepreneurship initiative" will provide support to people willing to develop their own business, to achieve quality employment, reduce poverty and promote social inclusion. The support provided for starting own business and development of entrepreneurship will give new horizons for professional development of unemployed and employed persons, including young people up to 29 years old within the Southwest Region of Bulgaria. Within the project the following activities will be carried out: - a massive information campaign; - specialized training in entrepreneurship to acquire key business knowledge, skills and competences; - consulting, mentoring and expert support to develop the idea, business plan and starting own business. The project will provide the target groups with advisory and expert support and will help create the right entrepreneurship environment, also providing information on available financial resources for starting and developing own business. Within the project, CEED Bulgaria will provide comprehensive professional services for persons willing to start their own business, including unemployed, inactive or employed, incl. youth under 29 years of age. The defined target group will gain sufficient knowledge, experience and support expertise that will lead to sustainable professional development and starting their own business. “Promoting entrepreneurship initiative" project will support the implementation of the financial instruments laid under the HRD OP for starting a new business. The lead organization will develop entrepreneurial skills among employed and unemployed people and will, on the other hand, stimulate economic initiative by developing quality business plans and providing access to funding for the implementation of business ideas.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 06 Jul, 2018
End date 06 Feb, 2020
Contract date 06 Jul, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 358,724.30
Grant 358,724.30
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 357,796.90
EU participation percent 85.0%
