Knowledge and entrepreneurship for success

The project supports the initiative and willing to work for yourself people, mainly from the following categories: young people aged up to 29 years mostly with secondary and higher education; women; Disabled, unemployed and employed persons, from municipalities of Dulovo, Zavet, Isperih, Kubrat, Razgrad, Turtrakan, giving them a chance to get support, passing through the whole entrepreneurial process: from the moment of generation and choice of the business idea until real start of business.The stages of this process, and project activities, are: 1). information about the opportunities offered by the project; 2). short-term training for clarification and assessment of the business idea, ​​planning stages and resources (material, human, financial) necessary for its implementation, market perspectives and requirements, rights and responsibilities of the developer; sources of financing; 3). assistance, consulting actual study and business plan preparation, business registration and obtaining funding 4) mentoring at the start and the establishment of business.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jul, 2018
End date 01 Jun, 2019
Contract date 26 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 115,242.60
Grant 115,242.60
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 9,586.73
EU participation percent 85.0%


North and South East Bulgaria (BG3)