TO BELIEVE in the success of your business! This is precisely the entrepreneurship!

With the project is provided support for those wishing to start their own business, including unemployed. The aim is to promote entrepreneurship, as this will ensure the creation of new jobs through self-employment and thus creating new jobs in successful start-ups. The present project aims to develop entrepreneurship by motivating and preparing individuals wishing to develop their own business, including the unemployed and workers to prepare and launch an independent activity and self-employment, to develop their business and to create new jobs. Promoting independent activity is identified as a key prerequisite for innovation and creating more value added in the economy. The project includes activities for motivating and training of persons wishing to develop their own business planning and start their own business. Providing training and advice to 240 persons in the field of entrepreneurship for disclosure of independent business by individuals and transforming their business into a successful and sustainable enterprise. The main objective is to create and encourage small entrepreneurs to take the plunge and develop own business. To provide specific training and counseling to 240 individuals for support and start budding entrepreneurs. The project set out measures to overcome the obstacles faced by entrepreneurs, including knowledge and skills to facilitate start-ups, for the successful development of enterprises better access to funding and opportunities for business development. The project has a key role for the development of entrepreneurship for the growth of new generations of entrepreneurs. Support to start their own business and entrepreneurship in general is one of the main ways of creating sustainable jobs and increase the overall level of employment in the economy.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 01 Jul, 2018
End date 01 Jan, 2020
Contract date 15 May, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 339,550.20
Grant 339,550.20
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%


North-East (BG33)