The project "Supporting entrepreneurship in Burgas region” aims at developing entrepreneurship and starting private business. By organizing business trainings and providing business consultancy services a unique opportunity will be revealed for inactive, unemployed and unemployed to develop their own economic activity and to become more independent of the labor market. The project plans the organization of business trainings and consultancies for 100 persons from the target group for 23 months. 25 of the target group will be unemployed young people under 29 years of age, while the others are unemployed above 29 years and employed who are willing to start their own business. The project emphasis on the development of entrepreneurial environment in Burgas municipality. The main activities are: 1) Organization of 7 informational and motivational meetings, promoting the development of private business and entrepreneurship - four meetings in the city of Burgas and three in total in the cities Yambol, Sliven and Stara Zagora. 2) Provision of trainings related to the development of entrepreneurial, managerial and business skills and knowledge and development of business ideas and business plans. The main subjects of the business trainings are: -You as an entrepreneur-2h -Business plan, business idea, marketing plan - 8h -Types of legal forms - 2h -Personal, legal responsibilities and insurance - 4h -Financial Planning - 6h -Capital and financial sources - 2h -Startups - 2h -Financial modeling with EXCEL - 8h -Successful sales - 8h - Successful management-8h -Digital marketing 8h -Innovations and entrepreneurship-2h 3) Provision of consultancy services for preparation of own business: - Carrying out consultations at place in Burgas region - Preparation of 50 individual plans - 1500 hours of consultations
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 30 Jul, 2018 |
End date | 30 Jun, 2020 |
Contract date | 20 Jun, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 204,468.00 |
Grant | 204,468.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 189,089.88 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |