The project is based on our understanding that only well-trained people with knowledge of the specifics of starting and managing a business are able to be successful entrepreneurs. The main objective of the project is to stimulate entrepreneurial thinking and encourage start of their own business. It is based on the assessment of the needs of the target group (unemployed, inactive and employed, with an emphasis on young people under 29), where the main problem is the weak financial and legal knowledge, having in mind the fact that the South -West Planning Region has the best conditions for development of entrepreneurial activity. To meet the needs of the target group, the project provides a set of training, divided into two main themes, or a total of 10 training modules. The trainees will be selected after an intensive information campaign and organized 10 thematic meetings in the region. The selected 65 participants will receive training of a total duration of 70 hours, covering topics such as economics, business, marketing, law, environmental protection and resource efficiency, where through different interactive methods will be introduced to the world of business and entrepreneurship. During these training, participants are expected to generate their own ideas for starting a business that in the last part of the project will be subject to detailed elaboration, as the participants will receive individual consultations and mentoring on matters concerning legal, economic or technical side of their ideas. Each of the participants will be treated equally, and his idea will be considered by the project team and outside experts engaged, solely in the spirit of its relevance and maturity. At the end of the project is expected at least 13 of the trained persons to start their own business, as the others will have acquired significant knowledge that would be useful to them in the future in their professional career.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 31 May, 2018 |
End date | 31 Jul, 2020 |
Contract date | 31 May, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 217,643.80 |
Grant | 217,643.80 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 201,691.96 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |