The current project proposal aims at developing entrepreneurship, which is among the main priorities of the European Commission. Promoting independent economic activities has been identified as a key prerequisite for innovation and creating value added in the economy. The project would be executed by NGO “Institute for integration, research and development and education” in close cooperation with the project partner – municipality of Rudozem. The latter is selected as one of the advancing municipalities in the South Central region with experience in activities similar to the ones envisaged in the current proposal. One of the main challenges outlined in this project is the provision of adequate and quality training of future entrepreneurs in the South Central Region. The project will be implemented three main activities: Activity 1 "Informing and motivating the development of private business and entrepreneurship" estimated at BGN 27 121,43; Activity 2 "Organization of trainings related to the development of entrepreneurial, managerial and business skills and knowledge and develop business ideas and business plans for own business" estimated at BGN 106 033,22; Activity 3 "Provision of advisory services and support to prepare their own business." estimated at BGN 180 683,45. The total project budget amounts to BGN 313 838,10. The implementation of the envisaged project activities will provide support and opportunity to 100 persons from South Central region to start their own business, which will lead to creating sustainable, quality jobs and improving the overall level of employment in the region's economy . The project will be executes on the territory of all five disctricts of the South Central region – Plovdiv, Haskovo, Kardjali, Smolian and Pazardjik This will contribute to achieving the indicators set for planning region level, without segregation of municipalities.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 01 Sep, 2018 |
End date | 01 Feb, 2020 |
Contract date | 01 Jun, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 345,221.91 |
Grant | 345,221.91 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 294,041.48 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |