Encouraging Entrepreneurship in the North Central Region

This project aims to: Encourag the launch and development of private business in the North Central Region and supporting the unemployed and employed persons with an idea to start a business by providing training and consultancy services focused on the development and evaluation of entrepreneurial ideas; acquiring knowledge and skills in management and business development; develop viable business plans; finding appropriate sources of funding and mentoring for business development. Specific objectives: 1. Motivation and specialized support of 220 unemployed, inactive and employed persons, with the desire and attitude for private business, to develop their ideas, develop viable business plans for real economic activity, start activity and self-employment. 2. To provide a complex of specialized trainings and consultations to help 220 unemployed, inactive and employed people develop their entrepreneurial ideas and provide support to acquire the knowledge and skills needed for management and business development, with the aim of 56 persons to start business. The target group is 220 enterprising and enterprising persons, including: by age - 132 persons up to 29 y/o and 88 over 29 y/o; by status of the labor market - 154 unemployed and inactive and 66 employed. The project is implemented in all areas of the region - V.Tarnovo, Gabrovo, Rousse, Razgrad, Silistra. As a result of the project activities, 220 persons will pass specialized modular training on a program of 10 modules with a duration of 80 hours, will receive: consultations and support for 32 hours per person; a learning guide; a handbook "Start Your Own Business". The activities are carried out by qualified and experienced teachers and consultants. After acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills, 56 individuals will register business and will be supported for business development by finding appropriate sources of funding, access to services and mentoring. The duration of the project is 20 months.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 May, 2018
End date 01 Jan, 2020
Contract date 17 Apr, 2018
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Financial information

Total cost 167,231.90
Grant 167,231.90
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 160,375.34
EU participation percent 85.0%


North Central (BG32)