Promoting entrepreneurship in region Pazardzhik and Kardzhali Region

The project proposal is designed to meet the needs of specific knowledge, skills and support to individuals who wish to develop their own business through the creation of regional centers and carrying them to a number of complex measures to support entrepreneurship in the South Central region, Kardzhali and Pazardzhik. The project also aims to satisfy the specific needs of employment, income and social integration of persons from the target group. Target groups: Persons wishing to start their own business, including unemployed or inactive employees, incl. youths under 29 years of SCPR, Kardzhali and Pazardzhik. Planned activities: 1. Informing and motivating the development of private business and entrepreneurship 2. Provide training related to the development of entrepreneurial, managerial and business skills and knowledge and develop business ideas and business plans to manage their own business (specialized training) 3. Provision of consultancy services to prepare for their own business and support activities 4. Costs for the organization and management results: 1. Informed and motivated to carry out entrepreneurial activity - at least 52 persons; 2. Trainings and business meetings for 52 persons to the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills, including in the field of environmental policy and policy on climate change and resource efficiency; 3. 52 individuals prepared to carry out independent activity and ensuring the sustainability of newly founded businesses, including the successful implementation of financial instruments to start their own business, laid under the HRD OP and on the other by developing quality business plans with which individuals can apply for funding to financial institutions in order to pursue their business ideas; 4.Uchastnitsi in self-employment upon leaving - at least 13 persons.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Sep, 2018
End date 31 May, 2020
Contract date 06 Aug, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 130,256.50
Grant 130,256.50
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 125,945.99
EU participation percent 85.0%


South Central (BG42)