The project proposal is aimed at providing support for the start-up of independent economic activity and development of entrepreneurship among unemployed and employed persons, incl. young people up to the age of 29, which will give new opportunities for their professional development in the changing economic environment and will contribute to the better functioning of the Bulgarian labor market, with the active participation of the „Center for Sustainable Communities Development” as a partner. The objectives of the project are to provide appropriate training, provision of a set of trainings, consultations, services and support for the start of a real independent economic activity of unemployed, inactive and employed persons, unsatisfied with their economic status, their needs for sustainable and effective integration into the labor market. The activities in the project proposal will be implemented in the Southwestern region of the regions of Pernik, Kyustendil, Blagoevgrad and Sofia. The activities to be implemented during the project include: 1. Informing and motivating for the development of independent economic activity and entrepreneurship. 2. Providing training related to the development of entrepreneurial, management and business knowledge and skills and developing business ideas and business plans for managing independent business. 3. Provision of consultancy services for the preparation of independent economic activities and support activities. These activities cover a target group of 60 unemployed, inactive or working, incl. young people up to 29 years of age, willing to start independent business activity, with 70% of the participants being unemployed and / or inactive. As a result of the implementation of the envisaged activities, all persons in the target groups will receive practical assistance for starting a business, which will help to achieve the specific objectives of IP 3 and IP 5 of Priority Axis 1 of the OP HRD.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 03 Sep, 2018 |
End date | 03 Jun, 2020 |
Contract date | 07 Jun, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 208,758.00 |
Grant | 208,758.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 183,399.22 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |