Support for the entrepreneurship in the South-West Bulgaria

The project "Support for The Entrepreneurship in The South-Western Bulgaria" aims to encourage unemployed, inactive and employed people who want to start their own business, to help them realize their business ideas after developing their entrepreneur skills. The activities of the project include delivering of integrated measures for identifying the entrepreneur potential, participation in specialized training programs as well as quality consultancy services for the start-up and development of new businesses. At least 100 people from the target group will be engaged in the project activities, including young people up to 29 years of age. They will go through an information and motivation courses for starting independent business activity. They will participate in specialized and practical seminars and trainings leading to a successful start and development of their business activity. The training will emphasize on the knowledge, skills and qualities necessary for an entrepreneur to initiate and evaluate business ideas, as well as successful development and management of the business. The target group will also receive directions on creating quality business plans and possible financial support for them, including the financial instruments of Operational Programme "Human Resources Development". As a result of the project, it is expected at least 10 people from the target group to change their status at the labour market through self-employment and development of their own business with the help of the OP HRD. The project will be executed by The Center for Entrepreneurship, Career and Personal development at Advisors just in time Ltd in 5 areas in the South-Western region of Bulgaria for the period of 18 months. The approach used in the project proposal, makes it applicable in every region of Bulgaria.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Oct, 2018
End date 01 Jul, 2020
Contract date 16 Jul, 2018
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Financial information

Total cost 205,316.98
Grant 205,316.98
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 191,047.09
EU participation percent 85.0%


South-West (BG41)