Provide training to start a competitive entrepreneurship

The main objective of the project is to support, train and consult young entrepreneurs thus to create new sustainable jobs and provide employment to unemployed and inactive persons and will stimulate the development of a more competitive economy. Specific objectives of the projects: - Preparation of persons wishing to develop their own business, incl. unemployed and working persons , for planning and starting their own business and self-employment; - Providing comprehensive consulting services aiming is assisting target groups in the development and assessment of their entrepreneurial ideas, the acquisition of necessary management and business development know how and development of business ideas into viable plans for the realization of real economic activity; - Providing support for starting a real business and finding appropriate funding sources, access to services and mentoring for business development. For the successful implementation of the project and achieving its goals the following activities are foreseen Activity 1: Informing and motivating for the development of private business and entrepreneurship Activity 2: Conduct training for "Start Your Own Business" Activity 3: Provide individual consulting to young entrepreneurs It is envisaged that the project will be completed for 24 months and constitute a set of measures, with which shall be trained 130 persons on subject "Start Your Own Business" , will be provided consultations to 130 young entrepreneurs , as it is expected at least 20 of them to start their own business after completing their participation in to the project. At least 70% of these will be persons under 29 years and at least 70% of them will be unemployed and inactive persons.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 25 Jun, 2018
End date 19 Sep, 2020
Contract date 22 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 315,985.56
Grant 315,985.56
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 276,826.26
EU participation percent 85.0%


North-East (BG33)