Jump Start: Make First Steps in Entrepreneurship and Accelerate your Business

The Jump Start project is aiming to educate and stimulate young people to create their own businesses, thus becoming innovators in the areas in which they want to work. By providing entrepreneurship training the project aims to provide skills and knowledge that are crucial to the development of the entrepreneurial culture. Our results show that participating in the training provided by Dynax Invest increases the likelihood that a person will become an entrepreneur and that their earnings will be higher than non-trainees. The practical program aims to educate 120 young people and give them the chance to learn entrepreneurial skills. This type of experience is more extensive in terms of skills than other programs that rely on instructions for business plan execution or life-coaching. The project proposal is based on Incubation phase of the business idea creation, which builds entrepreneurial skills in the implementation of the start-up technical and business tasks. The project foresees compulsory modules related to the acquisition of the necessary knowledge, but relies primarily on acquiring practical skills through additional modules based on combining new technologies with business skills. Project activities will also include interactivity, mentoring, and involvement of professionals in the education process and will train more than 120 young people mainly 29 years old or less as well as inactive and employed individuals over that age. The training will be spread in 4 cycles of three months, which will be preceded by information sessions, motivating and selecting the potential participants. As a result of the activities, 120 people who will have been trained will receive certificates and 40 of them will become self-employed or will co-found start-up businesses. The project will be implemented in compliance with EU horizontal principles.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 14 Jun, 2018
End date 25 Jul, 2020
Contract date 14 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 343,555.32
Grant 343,555.32
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 338,448.31
EU participation percent 85.0%
