The project proposal is aimed at meeting the needs for specific knowledge, skills and support for individuals willing to develop independent business activities through the establishment of regional centers and the implementation of a number of comprehensive measures to support entrepreneurship in the South Central Region, city and Sofia region. The project is also aimed at satisfying the specific needs of employment, income and social integration of the target group. Target groups: Persons wishing to start independent economic activity, incl. unemployed, inactive or working, incl. young people up to 29 years old from the Ministry of the Environment and Water, the Sofia-City District and the Sofia District. Planned activities: 1. Informing and motivating for the development of independent economic activity and entrepreneurship 2. Providing training related to the development of entrepreneurial, management and business knowledge and skills and developing business ideas and business plans for managing independent business activities (specialized trainings) 3. Provision of consultancy services for the preparation of independent business activities and support activities Results: 1. Informed and motivated to carry out entrepreneurial activity - at least 60 persons; 2. Training sessions and business meetings for 60 people, including entrepreneurial skills, including environmental policy and climate change and resource efficiency policy; 3. 52 persons prepared for self-employment and ensuring the sustainability of start-ups, including the successful implementation of the financial instruments for start-up of independent economic activity under the HRD OP and on the other by developing quality business plans with which individuals apply for funding to financial institutions in order to realize their business ideas; 4. Self-employed persons on leaving the operation - minimum 15 persons.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 01 Aug, 2018 |
End date | 01 Jan, 2020 |
Contract date | 18 Jul, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 135,344.00 |
Grant | 135,344.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 123,788.48 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |