Training for employees in LES AGRA LTD

After detailed market research, potential customers and their requirements, LES AGRA Ltd. plans to carry out a new activity, namely technical maintenance and repair of automobiles. The company has set itself the goal of offering full service to all types of vehicles - light and heavy cargo. With the launch of a new service, with the expected increase in customers and document turnover, occurs the need for the employees of LES AGRA LTD to acquire new skills and qualifications, with which with which to deal with the fulfillment of their new obligations. The project proposal will satisfy the needs of the company by trained employees, who can successfully deal with their work responsibilities and who are able to face the oncoming changes. The requirements of the clients towards the staff in terms of their professional qualification are constantly increasing. The implementation of the project will benefit both individual employees, who, regardless of their age and received formal education have the opportunity to realize their full potential, as well as LES AGRA Ltd., which is a user of this resource. Employees will acquire skills to work with new production and information technologies. As a result of the implementation of the project, the skills of the employees will be increased in line with the new needs of LES AGRA Ltd., the increase productivity of their work will also create conditions for sustainable employment. The target group of the project proposal includes 16 employees under a labor contract in LES AGRA Ltd., which employees have secondary and lower education. The activities that will be implemented under this project are: Activity 1. Providing vocational training for acquiring professional qualification of the employed in LES AGRA LTD. Activity 2. Providing training to acquire key competencies of employees in LES AGRA LTD. Activity 3. Development and implementation of a system of internal company training in LES AGRA Ltd.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 28 May, 2018
End date 28 May, 2019
Contract date 28 May, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 40,315.00
Grant 40,315.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
