This project is aimed at meeting the need to improve working conditions, promote the geographical mobility of the workforce and prevent the health risk of workers in the course of the labor process in “Hristina – Hristina Gandjulova” company sole proprietorship in Kostenets village, Kostenets municipality. Its implementation will provide an opportunity to upgrade the quality of the workplaces by accomplishing planned activities related to the comfort, safety and health of the employed. The company is engaged in the production of natural herbal cosmetics. There are 8 people working in the company and they are employed on full-time labor agreements. The target group of the project covers the whole team of the company - 8 workers, 3 of whom are people over 54 years old and 1 - a person with reduced working capacity. Aim of the project: to improve the working environment of the enterprise by improving the quality of workplaces and ensuring safe and healthy working conditions for the employees. Expected results: Improved organization at work; increased quality of workplaces and as a combined result - increased satisfaction and a level of sustainable employment for the team; reduced migration of qualified staff, increased labor productivity, increased competitiveness of the company. Activities: 1. Introduction of a human resources development system focusing on extending the working life of employees over 54 years; 2. Providing organized transport to and from the workplace of employees for a period of 12 months at the expense of the employer. 3. Providing safe and healthy working conditions by providing means of collective protection, special work clothes and protective equipment; 4. Ensuring social benefits for the workers; 5. Information, communication, organization and project management activities.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 25 Jun, 2018 |
End date | 25 Mar, 2020 |
Contract date | 25 Jun, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 104,694.70 |
Grant | 104,694.70 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 103,568.75 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |