The project „Job” aims at overcoming the regional labor market disproportions and increasing the employment and labor skills of unemployed persons, disadvantaged people on the labor market from regions with a high level of unemployment. The project focuses on increasing economic activity and improving access to employment for unemployed jobseekers and activating inactive people by providing opportunities for inclusion in various forms of training and employment. Targeted support will be provided to the long-term unemployed in order to overcome the obstacles and creating prerequisites for their inclusion in employment. The envisaged activities under the project will help to tackle the imbalance in the distribution of workforce and unemployment in small settlements, providing opportunities for employment and new work places. The project envisages the following activities: Activation of inactive persons in the defined regions by hiring activation specialists in the respective municipalities Motivation of unemployed persons for active behavior on the labor market, incl. providing specific consultations with an emphasis on long-term unemployed persons from employees of the Centers for Employment and Social Assistance (CESA) Provision of training through the issuance of vouchers for acquisition or enhancement of the professional qualification (but not higher than the second qualification level) for acquiring key competences of unemployed persons according to the individual characteristics of the person and the specifics of the work place; Hiring full-time or part-time employees from the target group (at least 4 hours) for a period of up to 12 months; Provision of a mentor (representative of the target group) of the persons hired by the project for up to 12 months In addition to the above mentioned direct activities, under the project, also will be carried out activities as follows: information and communication and organization and management of the project.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jan, 2018
End date 31 Dec, 2021
Contract date 30 Jan, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 75,000,000.00
Grant 75,000,000.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 76,000,000.00
EU participation percent 85.0%

