Optimizing the working time of workers, safeguarding the working process and increasing the satisfaction of the workers and the employees of ET "Peycho Peikov - Atla Maria"

The project is aimed at improving the management, organization and quality of jobs in the processing plant,the influence of which can have a positive impact on the overall labour productivity, achieving greater competitiveness and adaptability of employees. Long-time problem of the management is optimizing working hours and creating optimum working conditions. Identified reasons for this are: - the employed people live in remote locations and waste time to organise their movement; - the working process requires a 24-hour continuous production mode; - working conditions are inefficient and insufficient, often resource-intensive for the needs of employees, especially for those over 54; - increased staff dissatisfaction caused by the microclimate in the production facility As a consequence of that, a significant human potential remains untapped and unrealized for the development of the enterprise and the increase of the income of employees. The project aims to implement innovative models to enhance personal and organizational effectiveness, quality, productivity, motivation and staff satisfaction. The measures taken include: - organizing transport for employees; - improving the microclimate and safeguarding workplaces; - protecting health and increasing safety. The implementation of the activities ensuresa new approach to time managementincreases staff motivation significantly, preserving the health of employees, lowers risk and reduces harmful working conditions. The expected results from the realization of this project include a better working environment; a more skilled workforce; higher quality jobs and better working conditions; stronger policies for promoting job creation and labour demand, which, as a final result, will increase the level of sustainable employment in the enterprise and the region.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 25 Sep, 2018
End date 25 Sep, 2019
Contract date 25 Sep, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 74,348.12
Grant 74,348.12
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
