"PinaDe" Ltd. is registered in 2008 in Plovdiv and since its founding has been producing bread and pastries. Its current economic activity code is 10.72 - production of bread products and other pastries. In the end of 2016 the company moved its activities into a newly renovated production base in Skutare village, Maritza municipality. The efforts by the team and the management have lead to an increase of orders and an expansion of product assortment, first exports were also achieved. New jobs have been opened, which the company is filling with the help of the programs administered by the ministry of labor. Part of the new hires are from socially vulnerable groups - people with disabilities, people under 29 and over 50 years old,. For their motivation and social inclusion, the management at "PinaDe" Ltd. has undertaken a series of aid measures - training at the workplace, providing a mentor during the first months of employment, providing transportation to and from the workplace. The aim is for these persons to become equal to their colleagues in social and labor status as quickly as possible and to be stimulated to develop in personal and social regard. The availability of its own housing and qualified personnel are prerequisites for further successful development of the company, for which it plans to invest in new equipment in order to improve its production capacity and generate sales on foreign markets. With the current project proposal "PinaDe" Ltd. is planing to build up the measures, carried out with own funds and is utilizing the opportunity provided to apply for providing work clothes of the target group, development and implementation of human resources development system, investments in conditioning and improvement of lighting in work rooms.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 21 Aug, 2018 |
End date | 21 Aug, 2020 |
Contract date | 21 Aug, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 67,265.00 |
Grant | 67,265.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 64,999.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |