Implementation of this project aims to improve the working environment of employees in "GAP-07'' LTD on workplace - village of Voyvodinovo (29 persons incl. 5 persons Over 54 years-of-age) by identifying their needs and problems and the implementation of measures solving them. To achieve the objectives set in the strategy of company development project will develop system for managing human resources, tailored to the specific characteristics of the structure of the staff. With the implementation of project activities will invest in human capital through innovative measures to acquire working skills to support the extension of the working life of older employees. The project will also improve work and health status of the target group by improving the micro climate and working conditions in the enterprise and by prevention of landside. To increase motivation and overcome stress in project provides recreation and sports. The creation of social benefits is directed entirely towards satisfying the need of the target group to balance personal and professional life. Expected result of the implementation of the project activities is to improve the quality of jobs in the enterprise alongside addressing the needs of "GAP-07" Ltd. to increase productivity of employees in the long term. Main activities of the project are: 1. Development, adaptation and implementation of human resources development systems in the enterprise 2. Provison of collective protection equipment 3. Providing personal protective equipment (PPE) and special workwear 5. Training workers and employees on specific health risks related to the individual workplace and the methods and means of limiting and preventing them 5. Providing social benefits to workers. 6. Acquiring standards for safe working conditions. Expected result will be improving the quality of jobs in the enterprise alongside addressing the needs of "GAP-07" Ltd. and general increasing of productivity of employees in the long term.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 22 Aug, 2018 |
End date | 22 Aug, 2019 |
Contract date | 22 Aug, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 99,990.00 |
Grant | 99,990.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 99,440.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |