Current project realization is targeting further raising of labor productivity in “WEB PRINT” Ltd, by the means of creating and introduction of innovative model for human resources government, improving of health status, and creating of better conditions for nutrition and rest in behalf of employees in our company. By the means of activity No 1-Ensuring of organized transportation by the employer to and from the work place in behalf of one employee in “WEB PRINT” Ltd for 12 month period, the sustainable employment will be eased in behalf of extremely precious from our point of view person, in the face of ms Slavka Godeva. By the means of activity No 2- Ensuring of health and safety labor conditions and professional and healthy improvement status of the workers and ministers in “WEB PRINT” Ltd, new and more sustainable collective safety measures will be bought and the risks of professional diseases and infectious will be decreased. By the means of collective safety measures implementation, an action plan will be worked out. It will ensure more restrictions in relation to the harmful influence towards nature. By the activity No 3 - Ensuring of social acquisitions in behalf of people, working in “WEB PRINT” Ltd, nutrition and rest conditions for employees will improve, because of refit, equipping and furnishing one nutrition and rest room in the working base in the village of Stroevo. There are included also obligatory activities about publicity and visualization and project organization and government.
Status | Terminated (termination date) |
Start date | 31 Aug, 2018 |
End date | 31 Aug, 2019 |
Contract date | 31 Aug, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 15,978.05 |
Grant | 15,978.05 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |