Upgrading the knowledge, skills and competencies of the employees in Krumitsa PLC

The implementation of this project will help "Krumitza" PLC satisfy the need to improve the qualification of the employed, where the knowledge of professional skills and key competencies becomes a condition for quality, competitiveness and high standard of work. The target group includes 100 employees in "Krumitza" PLC, who are people with secondary and lower education and over 54 years of age with an appropriate entry level for the profession. Strict adherence to the requirements of the procedure motivates us to include in training in vocational training those who meet the specific criteria - employed and having a lower educational level than ISCED 4 (do not have higher than average education), will we also include persons over the age of 54 years. The professions fully meet the requirements for acquiring new skills and competencies covering the job descriptions of each of the jobs. As a result, the adequacy of their skills will be improved in line with the company's current needs, will increase the productivity of their work and will create conditions for sustainable employment and respectively employment of better quality jobs. Improving skills contributes to the successful realization of people on the labor market, their retention and especially to enhance their career development opportunities The main activities of the project are related to organizing and conducting trainings on: 1.Professional qualification: Profession 524060 "Chemical Operator", Specialty 5240606 "Polymer Technology", second qualification degree - 43 persons 2.Key Competence 4-Digital Competence-100 Persons The expected results are: - 43 persons trained in vocational training; - 100 persons with acquired level of competence in digital competence; - increased motivation to work; - improved competitive positions; - increased economic performance of organization in the region and the country.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jan, 2019
End date 31 Dec, 2020
Contract date 28 Dec, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 84,260.00
Grant 84,260.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 78,870.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
