The implementation of this project proposal will contribute to the development of the entrepreneur through the implementation of sustainable business support. Two activities will lead to the realization of the project objective - access to legal and business services for development in internet that are inaccessible for starting entrepreneurs. The activities are: Use of marketing and digital communication consulting services in specific enterprise services. Use of legal consulting services. The expected result is increase the competitiveness of the company via knowledge and skills in the field. The envisaged measures are aimed at: 1/ Creating a strategy and policies for marketing the enterprise brand: logo; company materials: letterheads, business cards; folders; brand book; advertising brochure. 2/preparation and optimization of the communication tools of the company: company profiles on social media: Facebook, Linkedin. 3/Marketing and digital communications consultations for: promotion of the Company's website and its unique content - link with social networks profiles; a service request form; request consent to allow cookies; adding an online training opportunity; an e-Manual. The consultation period will be 176 hours. Stages: 1/ Selection and engagement of 1 consultant, preparation and organization of the process of providing consulting services (1st month). 2/ Consultations (1 and 2 months). Legal services - assistance in preparing of packages of documents on the protection of personal data for the beneficiary, a set of documents for the beneficiary's clients and in the preparation of a Personal Data Protection Manual for small and start-ups. The consultation period will be 56 hours. The stages are: 1/ Selection and engagement of 1 consultant, preparation and organization of the process of providing consulting services (1st month). 2/ Conducting consultations (1st month).
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 15 Jul, 2020 |
End date | 15 Sep, 2020 |
Contract date | 06 Jul, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 4,988.00 |
Grant | 4,988.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 4,988.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |