Support for sustainable business

The applicant company is a sole proprietorship and was founded by a participant in project BG05M9OP001-1.023-0010 - «From the Idea to the Money» with ANDOLITO CONSULT BULGARIA Ltd, financed and accomplished with the financial aid of the European Social Fond through the Operating Program Human Resources Development following the Procedure “Support for Entrepreneurship” ” in 2014-2020-time frame. Allowing access to professional services in the Information Technologies area, it aims the building of a professional bilingual web store for luxury goods, aiming at the realization of imported and traded industrial goods, as well as to reach a greater number potential clients both in Bulgaria and abroad. Last but not least, the project aims to reach more wholesale corporate customers, but also to retail customers - end consumers. The project will be implemented in Plovdiv within 2 / two / months and includes the activities: - Activity for development and implementation of functioning webstore with description; - Project management activity; - Visualization activity; With the accomplishment of the project the candidate will continue business activity supported by two components in the entrepreneurship area, with financial aid of the European Social Fond through the Operating Program for Human Resources Development and will ensure increased chances for long-term development as well as optimization of the costs for distribution and sales in a future period after its successful completion.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 21 Jul, 2020
End date 21 Sep, 2020
Contract date 21 Jul, 2020
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 4,988.00
Grant 4,988.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 4,988.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
