Development and support for a sustainable business environment at Coriolis Ltd.

The candidate Coriolis EOOD has registered its company after its successful participation in the project Start to Success, implemented by the Association Chamber of Wood and Furniture Industry, funded by the Operational Program Human Resources Development under procedure BG05M9OP001-1.023 "Support for Entrepreneurship". The results of the project have been verified by the Managing Authority of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. The current project proposal "Development and support for a sustainable business environment in Coriolis Ltd." aims to implement its main activities: - provision of services in the field of business strategies; provision of legal services, and - provision of services in the field of financial management and control to receive support for strengthening its activity and to be competitive in the field of education and professional qualification. The project proposal is in line with Priority Axis 1 of the HRD OP improving access to employment and quality of jobs, as well as with Investment Priority № 5: Self-employment, entrepreneurship and business creation, including innovative micro, small and medium enterprises . Supporting self-employment and entrepreneurship in general is one of the main ways to create sustainable and quality jobs and increase the overall level of employment in the economy. Through the implementation of the activities set in the project proposal will support the desire of the applicant to develop sustainable self-employment, by supporting business development in the form of individual consultations in various areas of economic, legal and economic life of the country and as a final result will ensure the expansion of the enterprise and the creation of new jobs. The duration of the project proposal is 3 months, and the necessary financial resources for its implementation amount to BGN 4,988.00.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 16 Dec, 2020
End date 16 Mar, 2021
Contract date 16 Dec, 2020
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 4,988.00
Grant 4,988.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 4,988.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
