The activity of the company is to provide services in the field of the IT , code 63 Information servises KID2008. I`d like to develop an internet platform that aim to provide fast and simple connection between families, children and students, here and after called "Users" with teachers schools, public places in Burgas aria, later in other cities of Bulgaria, here and after called "Clients" and promoting the services that they offer, focust abovel all on families with children. For this purpose is needed to be developed information platform that alows "Clients" to publish venues and offers and "Users" to book/ buy the service online. Also there will be presented places where families with children can spend their free time - restaurants with kids area, hotels with kids animation. Places suitable for both adults and children. Information will be devided according to the place, interest, the kind of event, period when it will be held.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 30 Dec, 2020 |
End date | 30 Dec, 2021 |
Contract date | 30 Dec, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 4,988.00 |
Grant | 4,988.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |