Support for sustainable business

The candidate is a self-employed person practicing a free profession - Law. She is a participant in project BG05M9OP001-1.023-0010- «From the Idea to the Money» with ANDOLITO CONSULT BULGARIA Ltd, financed and accomplished with the financial aid of the European Social Fond through the Operating Program for Development of Human Resources following the Procedure “Entrepreneurship Aid” in 2014-2020-time frame. From 03.02.2020 she started an independent activity, after successfully passing an exam and an oath before the Bar Association of Plovdiv and registration under BULSTAT from 30.1.2020. Provides legal services to individuals and legal entities. It relies on the experience and education of the self-employed lawyer Elena Tencheva, registered in the Plovdiv Bar Association under personal number 1800160440. Allowing access to professional services in the Information Technologies area, it aims the building of a professionally designed information website which will serve for popularization of the services offered by the candidate and will be main source for attracting potential clients and creating possibilities for sustainable business development. The project will be accomplished in Plovdiv within 2/ two/ months’ time frame and includes the following activities: - Activity for development and implementation of functioning website with description; - Project management activity; - Visualization activity; With the accomplishment of the project the candidate will continue business activity supported by two components in the entrepreneurship area, with financial aid of the European Social Fond through the Operating Program for Development of Human Resources and will increase the chances of sustainable development in the long run.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 18 Mar, 2021
End date 18 May, 2021
Contract date 18 Mar, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 4,988.00
Grant 4,988.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
