The activity of Iv Accounting Ltd. is related to the provision of accounting services and consultations, organization of accounting, compilation of accounting reports, tax and financial consultations. Iv Accounting Ltd. constantly strives to expand its activities and to qualify the staff in response to the ever-increasing demands of the clients. With the expansion of workload and document turnover, there is a need to acquire new skills for employees in the company. It is necessary that the employees of Iv Accounting Ltd. acquire new professional skills such as processing of information flows, organization of work, marketing activity, analysis of the financial and economic status, servicing of the current accounting activity and acquiring foreign language competence. As a result of the implementation of the project, the skills of the employed will be increased, the productivity of their labor will be increased and the conditions for sustainable employment will be created. The target group of the project proposal includes employed persons at Iv Accounting Ltd - 30 employees. The activities that will be implemented under this project are: Activity 1. Provide training to acquire the professional qualification of persons from the target groups according to the individual characteristics of the person and the specificities of the workplace. The training of the persons from the target group will be done in: - Profession 344030 Operational Accountant, Specialty: 3440301 Operational Accounting -III SPC - Profession 346010 Office Manager, Specialty: 3460101 Business Administration -III SPC - Profession 345120 Economist, Specialty: 3451204 Economics and Management -III SPC Activity 2. Provide training to acquire key competences of individuals in the target groups according to the individual characteristics of the person and the specificities of the workplace. Activity 3. Provide opportunities for flexible forms of employment for employees over the period of training
Status | Terminated (termination date) |
Start date | 04 Feb, 2020 |
End date | 04 Oct, 2021 |
Contract date | 04 Feb, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 112,548.00 |
Grant | 90,048.00 |
Self finance | 22,500.00 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |