The project proposal of INTERNATIONAL ASSET BANK (ASET BANK) is aimed at improving labor productivity and creating sustainable employment for employees of the financial institution through trainings that contribute to increasing the ability of its employees to face the dynamic changes in the banking sector and the current needs of the bank. Within the framework of the project, 600 ACET BANK employees will receive training as follows: 600 employees will undergo specialized training for specific bank software, as well as specialized training on the subject of "Customer service specificity in a credit institution". 260 employees will undergo training in key competency 2 "Communication in foreign languages" (English language courses of no less than 300 school hours and three levels of training for each trainee). A total of 260 employees will undergo training in vocational training - 199 employees in the field of Banking, Code 3430101 and 61 employees in Economics and Management, Code 3451204. The planned trainings will cover employees from the Central Management of ASET BANK in Sofia and from bank branches of the bank located in the territory of 70 settlements throughout the country. The trainees occupy different positions from different hierarchical levels of the candidate: specialists, expert staff, unit managers, directors of directors, branch managers, etc. The training provided fully corresponds to the needs of ASET BANK in its capacity as an employer, as well as to the specifics of the Bank's activity; they are related to improving the fulfillment of the duties of the representatives of the target groups by addressing their needs. The trainings will be carried out by a selected external contractor under the provisions of the ZUESEF and CMD 160 / 01.07.2016. Graduates will receive documents (certificates and certificates) certifying the completion of the training.

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Status In execution (temporary suspended)
Start date 06 Jan, 2020
End date 01 May, 2021
Contract date 19 Dec, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 3,650,000.00
Grant 1,825,000.00
Self finance 1,825,000.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%

