"Smart and efficient staff"

The project proposal „Smart and efficient staff” aims to strengthen the competitiveness of the workforce at company, regional and national level and to achieve a higher quality of life by increasing labor productivity and adaptability of employed persons to modern market conditions. By implementing the envisaged activities, it is envisaged to implement training practices to respond both to OMEGA-BG's strategic goals for development and to be relevant to the individual needs for professional development and motivation of employees. The identified needs for improving the intra-company organization of work, communication and culture between departments, units and departments is a prerequisite for initiating the processes of creating a systematized training program that develops and builds key employees' techniques and skills. During the project will participate 30 working in the company, who will be given the opportunity to increase their qualification in the following directions: • Professional training by profession „Physical security of sites”, code 8610103 (960 study hours) - 15 persons; • Professional training by profession „Personal security”, code 8610102 (960 study hours) - 15 persons; • Key competence 2 „Communicating in a foreign language – English“ (300 study hours) - 15 persons; • Key competence 6 „Social and civic competences“ (30 study hours) - 15 persons; At least 50% of the trainees will be from the following groups: Have completed a lower education level than ISCED 4 or are over 54. Through the implementation of the planned activities, the staff training will be improved and they will be given the opportunity to acquire important and key competencies directly related to their day-to-day work. At the end of the project, it is expected to improve the suitability of staff to work processes and better performance of their engagement.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 01 Feb, 2020
End date 04 Apr, 2021
Contract date 07 Jan, 2020
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 66,600.00
Grant 39,960.00
Self finance 26,640.00
Total paid 31,968.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
