With the implementation of the project, Net Agent EOOD plans to train 6 of its employees to acquire specific skills, necessary for the fulfillment of their labor tasks, which will improve the quality of their jobs, will increase the competence of its employees, will improve productivity. By promoting their professional and career development, at the same time, the enterprise will stimulate employee involvement in various forms of employment and lifelong learning. Also, the company plans to train six unemployed / inactive persons and appointed at least 3 of them for a minimum of 3 months. The project proposal of Net Agent EOOD represents a set of activities and measures to achieve the goals set in the project: - to improve the qualifications of its employees, promoting their professional and career development, while stimulating their participation in various forms of employment and lifelong learning; - to provide improved access to employment for job-seekers unemployed and inactive, by providing opportunities for inclusion in training courses and their subsequent appointment in the company; - to provide training specific to the target group, thus providing opportunities for acquiring and learning skills, necessary for the fulfillment of the official duties of the employees in Net Agent EOOD, as well as the link between the requirements of the enterprise and the necessary skills, which should be owned by employees in order to meet the needs of the employer and the specificity of the particular workplace / work process. The general and specific objectives of the project will be achieved through the implementation of the activities: Activity 1. Involve persons from the target groups in specific training for the specific workplace / work process Activity 2. Inclusion of unemployed and / or inactive persons in non-subsidized employment with an employer after successful completion of training.
Status | In execution (starting date) |
Start date | 10 Feb, 2020 |
End date | 10 Nov, 2020 |
Contract date | 10 Feb, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 29,917.08 |
Grant | 20,941.96 |
Self finance | 8,975.12 |
Total paid | 20,941.96 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |