"Upgrading the skills of employees in "TERA COMMUNICATIONS" AD"

The project proposal "Improving the skills of employees in TERA COMMUNICATIONS AD" aims to improve equal access to lifelong learning opportunities in a formal form for all age groups of employees in one of the leading high-tech companies in telecommunication services with added value, as well as updating their knowledge, skills and competences. Within the project, 40 people employed by the applicant will receive 2 types of specific trainings and trainings for key competences 5, 6 and 7, specific for their work placements. The training provided fully corresponds to the needs of the company and is directly related to the individual characteristics and specifics of the workplace of the trainees. The trainings will be carried out by a selected contractor in accordance with ZUSESIF and PMS 160 / 07.01.2016 on the conditions and procedures for determining the contractor by beneficiaries of grants given, and according to the instructions of the Guide for beneficiaries. The duration of the project is 12 months. Through the planned training sessions, the employees of TERA COMMUNICATIONS AD will increase their knowledge, skills and competencies regarding the main challenge in the sector at the moment - the globalization of services for ever more satisfied customers.

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Status In execution (temporary suspended)
Start date 31 Jan, 2020
End date 03 Apr, 2021
Contract date 14 Jan, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 154,700.00
Grant 92,820.00
Self finance 61,880.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
