"Manufactory for success at Lufthansa Technik Sofia"

The project proposal "Manufactory for success at Lufthansa Technik Sofia" is aimed at increasing the economic activity and ensuring access to employment for 148 job seekers unemployed and inactive persons and their sustainable integration into the labor market by conducting trainings specific to their future jobs and their inclusion in non-subsidized employment after successful completion of the training. Within the project 148 unemployed and inactive persons will receive 3 types of training specific to their work places. The envisaged trainings are fully in line with the needs of Lufthansa Technik Sofia Ltd. and are directly related to the individual characteristics and the specifics of the future positions of the trainees. The three types of specific training will provide qualifications that can only be used to a limited extent in other enterprises and / or areas of activity / economic sectors, as they will be conducted through training programs that are intellectual property of the company specifically developed for it by the Lufthansa Group. Lufthansa Technik Sofia Ltd. has years of experience in conducting the three types of specific training for aeromechanics, structuralists and composite interiors. The trainings will be carried out by a selected contractor in accordance with ZUSESIF and PMS 160 / 07.01.2016 on the conditions and procedures for determining the contractor by beneficiaries of grants given, and according to the instructions of the Guide for beneficiaries. The duration of the project is 18 months.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 02 Mar, 2020
End date 02 Jun, 2022
Contract date 02 Mar, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 740,000.00
Grant 370,000.00
Self finance 370,000.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
