Professional Training and Key Competencies Training at Vending Partners Ltd

The project proposal "Vocational Training and Training in Key Competencies in Vending Partners Ltd." was developed under the grant procedure BG05M9OP001-1.057 "SKILLS", with the financial support of Operational Program "Development of Human Resources ", funded by the EU through the ESF. The aim of the applicant is to provide professional training and training on key competences for improving the qualification of employees of Vending Partners Ltd and unemployed persons in non-subsidized employment through lifelong learning. The activities with which the project will be implemented are: 1. Provision of Trainings for the acquisition or enhancement of the Professional Qualification of employees in floating hours; 2. Provision of training to acquire Key Competences – “Communicating foreign languages " to employees in floating hours; 3. Conducting vocational trainings and training on key competences of unemployed persons The implementation of the Project will support lifelong learning processes, and this will help to improve the quality of the workforce, a prerequisite for a developing economy. Equal access to learning and working opportunities for unemployed people from different age groups will be improved. Enhancing the qualification of the workforce by encouraging professional and career development, stimulating participation in various forms of employment and training will contribute to building a highly skilled workforce that can meet the current and future requirements of the labor market. Sustainability of the project results will be achieved by retaining the employment of at least 50% of the target group members involved in the project and successfully completing the training for a period of 6 months after the end of the project

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 15 Apr, 2020
End date 15 Feb, 2021
Contract date 02 Mar, 2020
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 33,007.06
Grant 25,867.06
Self finance 7,140.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
