New skills and new opportunities for the workers and employees of DallBogg: Life and Health AD

The project proposal is fully focused and aims at raising the qualification of the employees in DALLBOGG: Life and Health AD, encouraging their professional and career development, thus building skills to meet the dynamic labor market rates related to the coming rapid changes due to globalization, current business needs, technological and information changes, aging populations, etc. The project is aimed at providing training to employees in the company to acquire or enhance their specific skills in the field of insurance and to provide training on key competences - communication in a foreign language. The training corresponds to the needs of the employer, the company's activity and the current needs of the business sector in the provision of insurance services as well as the needs and needs of the target group. The main activities of the project are: -Providing specific business training in the field of insurance; -Providing training to acquire KC2 "Communication in foreign languages"; Within the framework of the project, the mandatory information and communication activities and the organization and management of the project will be implemented. The duration of the project will be 14 months. The envisaged activities are fully aimed at achieving the objectives of the project, enhancing the ability of the employees to face the changes in the labor market, improving the quality of the workforce and their competitiveness. With the implementation of the activities, the planned results will be achieved: - increased adequacy of the employees' employment skills, taking into account the current needs of the business; - increased productivity of labor; - creating conditions for better jobs and sustainable employment.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 09 Jan, 2020
End date 09 May, 2021
Contract date 06 Jan, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 459,000.00
Grant 229,500.00
Self finance 229,500.00
Total paid 187,800.00
EU participation percent 85.0%

