TeleLink Business Services EAD is a stable, dynamically developing company in the field of information technologies, providing solutions and services to the business in the field of ICT infrastructure, information security, digital transformation and managed services. Telelink Business Services has been partnering with about 30 technology companies such as Cisco, IBM, Microsoft, Dell EMC, VMware, PaloAlto, Imperva, F5 and others.The business model of these companies does not imply direct work with the end customer, through the affiliate network. As an approved manufacturer's representative, the partner is required to have a specific set of competencies, people and knowledge referring to leading certification programs recognized by the industry.This also determines the need for training-specific workplaces, which is the main objective of the project: to conduct company-specific training sessions for employees in the company with a view to increasing their productivity, updating knowledge, skills, competencies as well as and their adaptability as a prerequisite for sustainable employment. The main identified needs of the target group are to acquire new special knowledge and skills in response to the changing digital world. The business environment requires us to respond appropriately to the competitive environment and not only that, and the goal is to be leaders in the area in which we are developing our economic activity.The expected results from the implementation of the project are: - Acquisition of specific knowledge from the target group corresponding to the needs of the company; - Improving the productivity, efficiency, effectiveness and job satisfaction of the target group, which will also increase the quality and productivity of the company as a whole.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 27 May, 2020
End date 27 Feb, 2022
Contract date 27 May, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 255,000.00
Grant 127,500.00
Self finance 127,500.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%

