Professional realization through development of new skills

In the conditions of the modern development of the market economy, the quality of the final output, the opportunities for its realization, the revenues from the sales, the competitiveness of the company and the ongoing economic crisis are increasingly linked to the quality of labor, which is determined by the quality of the work force. The main goal of the project "Professional realization through development of new skills" is to increase the adequacy of the skills of 45 of the employees of Kaisa 2003 EOOD and ALEGRO 2000 Sofia Ltd., according to the current needs of the business. increase the productivity of their work and create the conditions for better jobs and sustainable employment accordingly. The specific objectives of the project are to encourage investment in people, acquire new knowledge and skills, validate lifelong learning to achieve higher quality workforce and professional realization. The target group of the project includes 45 persons hired under a labor contract in the partner companies Kaisa 2003 EOOD and ALEGRO 2000 Sofia OOD, of which at least 50% do not have higher education than average and / or are over 54 years. In order to achieve the goals, the following two main activities will be carried out: training on professional qualification in the "Economist" profession, subject "Trade" and training on key competency - Communication in foreign languages - English. As a result, it is expected to achieve: • increased competence of employees of both companies; • increased competitiveness of partner companies' activities; • realized investment in the human resources development of the companies in order to achieve greater flexibility and internal mobility of the workforce and to promote the practice of lifelong learning; • created conditions for stimulating lifelong learning, learning and applying good practices.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 22 May, 2020
End date 22 May, 2021
Contract date 22 May, 2020
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 149,959.80
Grant 116,209.80
Self finance 33,750.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
