Sustainable Jobs and Career Debates

The project will be implemented by Social Entrepreneurship Ltd. in partnership with Techno Audit Expert Ltd. The main objective of the project proposal is to create conditions for professional and career development in both companies. The specific objectives of the project are as follows: 1 / Improving the access to employment of unemployed and inactive persons; 2 / Increasing the qualification of unemployed and inactive persons. The objectives will be achieved through the implementation of the project activities, as follows: Activity 1: Involvement of unemployed and / or inactive persons in specific training: Action 2: Involvement of unemployed and / or inactive people in training on Key Competence: Action 3: Inclusion of unemployed and / or inactive people in employment. Activities are planned to address the needs and concerns of the target group that are related to the lack of education and training relevant to the labor market as well as the lack of skills and knowledge needed for economic and social integration and career development. In order to meet the challenges, it is necessary to invest in appropriate skills and improve the matching of these skills with the jobs in the country requiring the possession of quality knowledge. Through the implementation of the project activities, the following results will be achieved: - The adequacy of the skills of the representatives of the target groups will be increased, in line with the current needs of the business, in order to provide prerequisites for long-term employment or occupy new and better jobs. - The project will support lifelong learning, which is an important component for improving the quality of the workforce. - The activities envisaged will ensure the link between the necessary qualifications and skills to the requirements of the labor market.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Apr, 2020
End date 01 Dec, 2021
Contract date 27 Feb, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 142,225.12
Grant 98,173.09
Self finance 44,052.03
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
