MOUSE PRINT Ltd. started its activity in 1991 and today is one of the most successful brands in the production of standard and non-standard advertising solutions in the field of printing. In order to meet the requirements of its clients and maintain a high standard of market behavior, it is necessary to carry out specific, professional and English language training of staff employed in an employment relationship. In this respect, the MAIN OBJECTIVE of the present project proposal is to: Increase the qualification of the employees of MOUSE PRINT Ltd., encouraging their professional and career development, while stimulating participation in different forms of employment and lifelong learning . The specific objectives of the project are to invest in the development of human resources in order to enable employees to acquire important specific, professional and key competencies directly related to their day-to-day work and core business, to achieve greater flexibility and validating the practice of lifelong learning, thus fully responding to the main purpose of this Procedure. The project target group includes 115 employees, of which 78 do not have higher than average education and / or are over 54 years of age. The Company falls into the priority sectors under the procedure with NACE.BG-2008 17.29. The objectives of the project will be achieved through the following training sessions: • KK - Communication in Foreign Languages - English • PK code 213030 Polygraph, specialty 2130301 Polygraphy • Specialist. Learning - Create specific color profiles and color management using non-standard printing technologies • Specialist. training - Produced. cycle in the production of advertising paper bags • Specialist. training - Produced. cycle in the production of advertising cardboard displays and racks. • Specialist. training - Digital technologies for printing and post-printing of non-standard materials
Status | Terminated (termination date) |
Start date | 27 May, 2020 |
End date | 27 May, 2021 |
Contract date | 27 May, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 121,527.40 |
Grant | 89,327.40 |
Self finance | 32,200.00 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |