Continuing training - guarantee for prosperity

Gas Logistics EAD has been using new equipment in recent years, which helps to increase the capacity of the services it offers. This has led to the company's basic need at the moment - to improve the professional skills and knowledge and the digital competencies of the employees. Satisfying this need is one of the main objectives of the project proposal. Through the implementation of the activities it will be possible to achieve the overall goal of the project. The expected results from its implementation are increasing the knowledge and skills of the employees, and hence their and the company's adaptability and competitiveness. The target group to be included in the project is 200 employees at the candidate company. During the implementation of the project and its activities Gas LOGISTICS will use the experience gained over the years in the implementation of such activities and will monitor the strict compliance with the horizontal principles of the program Equal Opportunities and Non-Discrimination, Gender Equality and Sustainable Development .

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jun, 2020
End date 01 Apr, 2021
Contract date 26 Feb, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 410,000.00
Grant 246,000.00
Self finance 164,000.00
Total paid 49,200.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
