Improving the qualification of the employees of Hill Clinic

The project proposal includes activities to improve the qualification of employees at Hill Clinic. Specific training is foreseen for 10 employees to acquire skills for a new surgical technology “en Bloc HoLEP”, related to the endoscopic enucleation of the prostate with a holmium laser. This technique implies not only significant endoscopic skills but also a difference in the preoperative and postoperative activities with respect to the patient, which differ from those used in conventional operations. The physicians-urologists and the nurses from the clinic will undergo such training, which will include the whole cycle of intervention - from the preparation of the patient through the intervention itself to the follow-up of the postoperative status. This training is very important because it covers the entire cycle after establishing the need of surgery until the complete healing of the patient in which participate both the physicians-urologists who carry out the surgery and the nurses assisting them during it as well as the resuscitation nurses who prepare the patient for the operation and take care of him when it is done. Another activity included in the project proposal is under Key Competence Training 2 „Communication in foreign languages” – English language. The work of the office / technical managers servicing the registry implies the communication with the foreign physicians-urologists who are operating in the clinic, with the attending urologists, as well as with the foreign patients visiting the clinic. Usually, conversations are conducted in English. For 7 out of the 10 reception managers, there is a need to improve the English language skills in order to be able to cope more effectively with their duties. The implementation of the activities and the achievement of the expected results will lead to an increase in the knowledge and the skills of the employees which will have a lasting impact on their professional career in the future.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 02 Jun, 2020
End date 02 Jun, 2022
Contract date 02 Jun, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 29,900.00
Grant 17,940.00
Self finance 11,960.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
