The project aims to enable people in Megaclean 21 to upgrade their knowledge and skills and to acquire new ones by enhancing their professional qualifications and competence. The project will increase the capacity and efficiency of employees, modernize the company's activities and provide better and a variety of service packages for current and future customers. The aim is to provide training to improve the Candidate's performance and to contribute to higher quality and sustainable employment. The project focuses mainly on the professional orientation of employed persons from vulnerable groups on the labor market (over 54 and with secondary or lower education). In order to achieve the project results, the following activities are envisaged: 1. Providing training to acquire key competency 2 "Communication in foreign languages" - English. 2. Providing training for part of a profession - second qualification degree in the following specialties: "Park construction and landscaping", "Electrical installations", "Heat, heat, air conditioning, ventilation and refrigeration", "Internal water supply and sewerage networks". 3. Provide opportunities for a flexible form of employment. It is envisaged that the project will be implemented within 11 months and 90 representatives of the target group will be trained.
Status | Terminated (termination date) |
Start date | 10 Jan, 2020 |
End date | 10 Feb, 2021 |
Contract date | 10 Jan, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 224,478.00 |
Grant | 177,678.00 |
Self finance | 46,800.00 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |