Neterra is an independent telecom operator offering standard and complex services in Europe for over 20 years. Within the framework of this project proposal, activities related to the organization and conducting of specific training in the telecommunication sector and training in the key competencies will be implemented in order to increase the ability of the employees of Neterra EOOD to meet the changes in the labor market in the context of dynamic global processes in the telecommunications sector in terms of preserving competitiveness and improving the quality and added value of the services offered by the company.The trainings are targeted at the specific needs of the target groups - 124 employees in the company. Individuals will be involved in trainings, in view of the specifics of their work and their needs for enhancing their knowledge and skills. The project proposal includes key competences as well as specific to the company and the sector in which it operates and is in line with the established needs of the employees in Neterra , namely increasing the qualification of the profession pursued and creating career development opportunities. The activities envisaged are selected to ensure that the objectives, results and indicators set out in the project proposal are met and contribute to the objectives of this procedure. Through the implementation of the project are planned to achieve the following results: - Increasing the qualification, knowledge and skills of 66 employees in Neterra by participating in specific trainings; - Improvement of the qualification, knowledge and skills of 124 employees in Neterra by participating in training on key competencies; - Improved adequacy of the skills of the employees in Neterra, in view of the needs of the company and the capabilities of the new technologies in the telecommunication industry; - Enhanced career opportunities for trainees; - Increased productivity of the employees of Neterra.
Status | Terminated (termination date) |
Start date | 01 Feb, 2020 |
End date | 04 Aug, 2021 |
Contract date | 18 Dec, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 281,360.00 |
Grant | 168,816.00 |
Self finance | 112,544.00 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |