Vigor Ltd. is a Group Practice for Primary Medical Assistance - a medical institution for primary, outpatient medical care and a duty cabinet, which has separate structures in which a team of doctors, either alone or with the help of other medical and non-medical specialists, carry out diagnostic activities , treatment and rehabilitation of patients, monitoring of pregnant women and providing maternity care, monitoring of patients with chronic illness and disease, disease prevention and early detection of diseases ki to strengthen and protect health. Group practice for primary medical care is carried out by a team of doctors with a recognized specialty. Vigor OOD takes care of the health of its patients: 15 doctors, 6 nurses, 3 drivers, 2 nurses and 3 midwives or a total of 29 employees. Vigor Ltd. takes care of the physical and mental health of 20,000 patients by carrying out prevention, illness, preservation, diagnosis and treatment of its patients. In order to maintain high professionalism in its relations with the patients, the Vigor team has undergone periodic trainings: to work with specific software and to get acquainted with the latest developments in medicine and its application, medical-pharmaceutical innovations, therapies, good practices, etc. Working with different drugs, getting acquainted with new medicines and therapies, making it possible online as well as serving foreigners, requires the whole team to have basic English skills.
Status | In execution (starting date) |
Start date | 28 Feb, 2020 |
End date | 29 May, 2021 |
Contract date | 28 Feb, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 228,100.00 |
Grant | 200,890.00 |
Self finance | 27,210.00 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |