The project of "Skills Development Bulgaria" Ltd. aims to develop entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial initiative on the territory of the municipalities of Dolni Chiflik and Byala by promoting the start of independent economic activity as a possible form of providing employment and income among unemployed and employed persons, training to acquire entrepreneurial, management and business knowledge and skills, and providing targeted consulting services and mentoring support to prepare for an independent business efficiency. In the municipalities of Dolni Chiflik and Byala there is a low level of entrepreneurial activity, a high level of unemployment and a high share of economically inactive people, a lack of adequate training, knowledge and skills among unemployed and employed persons for start-up of independent economic activity. This determines the need to stimulate entrepreneurial activities and support the creation of new SMEs to engage the potential workforce in work and thereby provide sustainable employment for the unemployed and employed in the LAG's territory. The project envisages a broad campaign to promote entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial initiative in the municipalities Dolni Chiflik and Byala, covering over 85% of the settlements. In order to overcome the identified challenges to the target groups due to the lack of appropriate qualifications, entrepreneurial, management and business skills, the project envisages providing a set of training and consultancy services to assist target groups in assessing and developing their entrepreneurial ideas; and in the development of business ideas in viable plans for realization of real economic activity. The project focuses on promoting entrepreneurship in structurally identifying industries for the local economy and industries with the potential to deliver sustainable, inclusive and smart growth.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 07 Nov, 2019 |
End date | 07 Jan, 2021 |
Contract date | 07 Nov, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 195,580.00 |
Grant | 195,580.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 39,116.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |