Improving access to employment and quality of workforce

The project "Improving access to employment and quality of workforce" involves identifying and motivating active behavior in the labor market and providing training and employment to 50 economically inactive people, outside education and training, including discouraged job seekers unemployed persons and disadvantaged groups in the labor market of over 30 years. The project will provide 50 jobs, 15 in the position of Guardian and 35 people in the position of Landscaping Worker. Before joining the employment, motivational training, psychological support and career guidance, vocational training and training will be conducted in key competences of the target group. A motivational film will be produced as well as a labor market will be organized. As a result of the project implementation, access to employment for unemployed persons will be improved, conditions for acquiring new skills and qualifications for unemployed and inactive persons will be provided, and prerequisites for social inclusion will be created through the employment of the target group, in particular representatives of the Roma community.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 01 Apr, 2021
End date 01 Apr, 2023
Contract date 01 Mar, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 357,725.50
Grant 357,725.50
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 71,545.10
EU participation percent 85.0%

