Development of new models for digital skills in response of the future labor market’s challenges

The project proposal is based on a comprehensive concept to support the workforce, aimed at overcoming imbalances in the field of digital knowledge and skills, meeting the needs of the labor market in a competitive and developing economy in terms of its technological development. The activities for realization of the project objectives envisage as follows: - conducting an analysis of the needs for digital skills by economic sectors / activities and on the basis of the methodology developed under procedure BG05M9OP001-1.128 "Development of digital skills" - COMPONENT 1; - development of unified profiles for digital skills by key positions and / or professions according to NCAP 2011; - assessment of digital competencies, by testing the current skills of the workforce by economic sectors / activities, through developed tools; - development of informal training programs for the development of specific digital skills, according to a specific position / profession, which are outside the scope of basic digital skills; - pilot testing of the learning content for the development of specific digital skills in key positions and professions; - development and adoption of sectoral qualification frameworks for development of digital skills; - development of methodological guidelines for maintaining and upgrading digital skills of workers in the sectors, for providing continuing education for better professional realization and increasing the professional training of employees; - conducting an information campaign to raise awareness of employers and employees on the need to develop digital skills / competence. The project proposal aims to build on the results that will be achieved in the implementation of the project "Development of a new model for human resource management to develop sustainable social capital", funded by OP "HRD", procedure BG05M9OP001-1.051.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 01 Sep, 2021
End date 01 May, 2023
Contract date 10 May, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 2,012,720.05
Grant 2,012,720.05
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%

