Center for hourly service provision for social inclusion in the community or at home

With the realization of this project proposal will be established Centre for hourly service provision for social inclusion in the community or at home. The Centre will provide access to integrated services, including social and health, according to the specific needs of 222 users throughout the period of provision of social services. The project aims to improve the quality of life and access to services for social inclusion of people with disabilities and people over 65 with limited or unable to self and to provide opportunities for the return of the real labor market of people who care about relatives. Upon realization of the project proposal will be formed Project management team, including Project manager, 3 coordinators, Accountant and 2 Technical assistants. The Centre will be situated in the room - municipal property, where they will carry out the organization of its activities and in which it will be placed the required equipment. To provide integrated social services at the Centre, after a selection will be appointed staff, including Manager, 59 Personal assistants, 2 Social assistants and specialists - medical specialist / nurse or paramedic / 2 rehabilitators, psychologist and educator/ social worker. For staff will be provided training, periodic supervision and psychological support. To ensure transparency in the implementation of project activities and to promote the objectives and activities of the European Union, the European Social Fund, the OP HRD and this project proposal will be implemented activities for information and publicity. All budget items, where applicable, will be awarded under the PPA. The duration of the project will cover a period of 24 months and the social services at the center will provide 21 months.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jan, 2016
End date 31 Dec, 2017
Contract date 14 Dec, 2015
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 874,876.05
Grant 874,876.05
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 831,672.01
EU participation percent 85.0%
