The project proposal envisages a creation of a Centre for hourly service provision for social inclusion in the society or at home at District ‘Central’ – Plovdiv Municipality. The services will be directed towards people with disabilities and elderly people who are in complete or partial inability for self-service at home. It will provide improved access to basic social and health services and achievement of independence and social integration. The target groups are people with disabilities and their families and people over 65 with inability for self-service. Through creation of the Centre, the project aims to improve the quality of life of the targeted groups and their families. It will enable people who are looking after their relatives to engage in the labour market. The project aims to ensure the continuation of care and social inclusion after the end of “New alternatives” project, as well as to expand the services of “Help at home” and the national programme “Assistants for people with disabilities”. The following activities will be included: 1) Organisation and management of the project; 2) Recruitment of personnel for the Centre; 3) Training of the personnel; 4) Information, consultation and selection of prospected customers; 5) Purchase of equipment, supplies and personal protective equipment; 6) Provision of psychological support and consultation for the personnel delivering the services; 7) Provision of services for personal assistance; 8) Provision of services for social inclusion; 9) Provision of everyday services at home; 10) Provision of health services and psychological assistance; 11) Activities for information and publicity. The project will provide care and support for 100 people from the target group and enable the people looking after them to engage in the labour market. The expanded services will improve the quality of life of the people from the target group and their families.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 01 Feb, 2016 |
End date | 01 May, 2018 |
Contract date | 18 Dec, 2015 |
Financial information
Total cost | 496,289.74 |
Grant | 496,289.74 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 495,878.69 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |